Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Item 02. Dong-A 3-Zero 0.38

The Story:

I bought one of these amazing pens in the stationary shop/book store in the basement of the Student Building at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. I loved them so much that I wanted more, but sadly I had returned to the States by then. My lovely and beautiful girlfriend ended up buying me 8 of them and bringing them to me upon her return home. Thanks girl! I almost love you as much as I love pens :D


Writing - 10/10
Perfect ink flow, no bleeding.

Comfort - 8/10
A little slender, and no rubber grip, but that is usually the style of fine tipped pens.

Durability/Lifeline - 10/10
I've been using my first one for the last 4 months now, and its ink is only halfway depleted.

Appearance/Awesomeness - 9/10
It's a pretty simple design, but they do look different than most pens of the similar style. Plus they are a domestic Korean brand.

Cost - 10/10

Overall - 47/50

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